Sunday, September 27, 2009

Fundraising Update!

Hey everyone,

So I have to say that these last two weeks have been really trying. The Lord has been really teaching me a lot about trusting, submitting, and just relying on him. The Lord has been really faithful though, even if I haven't seen it until now.

I was given my updated donation record, and found something amazing. The Lord has been providing and he is still providing. I now only have to raise $15,415 from the original $17, 000. I want to thank everyone personally that has donated. If you have donated please let me know, you can email me at I know that the Lord will provide for all of you who have donated and that He is working in your life, sometimes more than you know.

Also I wanted to share with you all something, my life verses, 2 Timothy 4:17. The first time that I heard this verse was when I was at the Honor Academy. One of my friends actually gave me this verse, she said that this was from the Lord. So I looked it up and this is what it says, "For the Lord stood by me and gave me strength, so that through me the message might be fully proclaimed and all the Gentiles might hear it. And I was delivered out of the lion's mouth."

This verse just touched me so much. I know that this is my life verse, because I know that the Lord has called me to this. I know that Lord has stood by me and gave me strength, he has done this many time and is still doing so. I know that my mission statement is is to be an example to my city, state, and country of how to do it right, and how to be a true Christian.

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