Tuesday, September 29, 2009

October 1, 2009

Hey everyone,

So October 1st, 2009 is my first deadline. I will have to have rasied $2,500 by October 1st. If any of you would like to donate you can by clicking on the link to the right on "dontate to Andrew" and my ID# is 2441613 or you may send a check made out to Teen Mania Ministries and in the memo line write "Andrew Downey ID#2441613 to:
Honor Academy
c/o Intern Relations
PO Box 2000
Lindale, TX 75771

and any personal checks can be mailed to:
Andrew Downey
557 SW Cutoff Unit 136
Worcester, MA 01607

Also please let me know so I am able to let the Honor Academy know that the money is coming in. Thank you all for donating and I know that the Lord will be with you through everything that you are facing. And please be praying for the safety and also provision for the team that is going to Uganda!!!

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